by BreezeMaxWeb | Feb 16, 2017 | Eye Doctor, Optometrist Langley
Eye care, from a young age on, is important for the future of your eyes. The healthier lifestyle you lead, the less chance there is of developing eye illnesses. An illness that is more common as people get older is cataracts. However, seniors are not the only ones who develop cataracts. Learn more about cataracts and eye care by reading through this blog and contact your local optometrist at the eye clinic Vision Care Centre. Our opticians are passionate about the health of your eyes and want you to have a resource you can rely on when you need more information on eye care. Contact our eye clinic today for an eye exam. Cataracts Aren’t On Your Eyes Many may think that a cataract actually forms on the eye, that it is a coating on the surface of the lens that hinders eyesight. However, a cataract forms on the inside of the eye when proteins break down and can cause the distortion of your vision. With healthy eyes, these proteins are clear; but as a cataract forms, the proteins break down leaving behind a haze in your vision. When the cataract is forming, you can’t feel it and it may take years to develop enough to hinder your eyesight. This is why it’s important for people over a certain age to have regular eye tests at an eye clinic. Learn Why It’s Important to Have an Eye Exam! Cataracts Don’t Just Occur In Older People There are several risk factors that can cause people as young as 40 to develop cataracts. If you have sustained an injury, have had an...
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