5 Signs You Need to See an Eye Specialist

5 Signs You Need to See an Eye Specialist

If you are extra cautious about your eyes, there are chances that you might be running to an eye specialist at the slightest hint that your eyes need medical attention. However, many people still procrastinate when it comes to seeing an eye doctor. In fact, as many as 47% of people fear to find out they have a serious eye problem and avoid seeing an eye specialist out of that fear. However, here are a few symptoms that should not be taken lightly or ignored when it comes to ensuring proper vision and avoiding serious eye issues. Headaches A persistent, pounding headache is a sure sign that it is time for you to visit a trustworthy eye doctor. A routine eye exam can give a clear indication of an eye issue that may be causing your headaches. Staring at the computer screen for too long or working on a too bright or too dim computer screen are some of the most common reasons for headaches. Adjusting the light and taking regular breaks every 20 minutes of screen exposure is important to give your eyes the rest that they need. Glaucoma can be a more severe cause of headaches. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of your headache and tell you if it is associated with eye issues. Eye infection If you notice apparent signs of an eye infection like a red eye, discharge, pain, watery eyes, blurred vision or sensitivity to light, it is best to see an eye specialist immediately before the problem worsens. Bright flashes and floaters Floaters are quite a common phenomenon. Those tiny...