5 Ways to Prepare for an Eye Exam

5 Ways to Prepare for an Eye Exam

It’s always best to arrive at an appointment, whatever it may be, mentally and physically prepared. An eye exam is no exception. While the exam itself may only take 15 to 30 minutes, there’s a lot of information that needs to be exchanged in that timeframe. Making...

Vision Care & Pink Eye

Vision Care & Pink Eye

Pink eye, also referred to as conjunctivitis, is an infection or allergic reaction that occurs when the conjunctiva becomes irritated. If you have pink eye, your eye(s) will get red and swollen, and you may notice a sticky discharge. You can have pink eye in one or...

5 Signs You Need to See an Eye Specialist

5 Signs You Need to See an Eye Specialist

If you are extra cautious about your eyes, there are chances that you might be running to an eye specialist at the slightest hint that your eyes need medical attention. However, many people still procrastinate when it comes to seeing an eye doctor. In fact, as many as...

Healthy Aging for the Eyes

Healthy Aging for the Eyes

Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you need to surrender your vision health without a fight. Practicing proper eye care, especially early on, can make a big difference in making sure your eyes stay as strong and healthy as possible. Here are five easy ways...