by BreezeMaxWeb | Nov 12, 2020 | Eye Clinic Langley, Eyeglasses
Your eyes can be very important indicators of potential diseases that may be present in your body. Having regular eye exams are not only a good idea to keep your eyes and vision healthy, your optometrist can also detect other problems you may not have noticed before. In fact, there are more than 30 different conditions that show symptoms in your eyes. Eye doctors and optometrists are usually the first to spot certain problems and advise you to seek further medical diagnosis. A recent study of 120,000 patients done by the insurance company VSP Vision Care showed that an eye exam was the first to indicate 34% of diabetes cases, 39% of high blood pressure cases, and 62% of high cholesterol cases. If you have been avoiding getting regular eye exams because you think your vision is fine, it’s time to rethink how you view eye exams. Here are a few reasons why you need to call your optometrist to set up your eye exam and get on a schedule to get them regularly. Can spot early diabetes If you have red spots in your eyes, this could be a sign of diabetes. When your blood sugar builds up too high, blood vessels will begin to block and swell up, which can burst into tiny blood vessels that travel to your retina. If this isn’t treated soon enough, it may lead to impaired vision or even blindness. Causes of bloodshot, swollen, red, or dry eyes If you are susceptible to swollen, red, dry, or bloodshot eyes, your optometrist will be able to determine what the root cause is. If...
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