For those who wear eyeglasses, it can be a fashion statement, but the glasses still need to look amazing on your face. Introverts, extroverts, shy, funny: personalities of all types can rock a great pair of eyeglasses or can choose to wear a pair that provides a different persona. No matter who you choose to be one day or the next, have a pair of glasses that will match your mood and your face shape. It can be challenging choosing the right pair of glasses, but Vision Care Centre has your back. Follow these tips to get the look you want for your style and face.
Round Face
Faces that are rounder often have full cheeks, a rounded chin and a face that has similar length and width. This is a common face shape and can fit many different styles. To give angels to the face, choose eyewear that has defined lines. Try a pair of aviators, square, or rectangle shapes that will add a sharpness to your face and highlight the cheekbones. Stay away from circular frames that will only add to the roundness of your face. If you’re feeling sassy, try a pair of cat eye glasses that will draw the eye up and out. Or a combination of a square frame with rounded edges but with a large cat eye silhouette at the top of the eyewear.
Oval Faces
An oval face will have the easiest time finding a pair of eyeglasses because most will look fantastic. An oval face features high cheekbones, more length than width and is more narrow at the jawline than at the temples. The key to finding the right eyewear is making sure they fit properly and don’t overpower your face. Choose a rectangle or square shape but with rounded edges or a pair that sweeps slightly upward in the corners to accentuate the cheekbones. Oval faces should avoid eyeglasses that are too round or circular. Try pairs that have thicker frames and with bright colors to add personality.
Square Faces
This face shape has strong features and defined lines, an angular jaw line and a straight forehead. To round out the lines of the face, shop for slightly curved edges that will bring balance to your face. Try pairs that sit a little higher on the face on the bridge of your nose. Add some softness to your strong features with round or oval shaped eyewear or choose a pair with thinner, metal frames that will blend in with the face. Colors can range from bronze, silver, gold, or if you’re feeling powerful, a bright red.
Diamond Faces
This rare shape has a narrow forehead and hairline along with a pointed chin and cheekbones that are drawn out and a strong jaw line. This face is similar to a round face as it is easier to find eyeglasses that look sharp and fit the shape. With both soft and angular lines, you can choose either curvy lines or semi-rimless eyewear that will add contrast to the pointed chin. A slight cat eye look can also work as it emphasizes your cheekbones. Try to avoid frames that are too narrow or rectangular as this will add width to your face where your cheekbones already do this naturally.
If you are putting off visiting the optometrist because it’s challenging finding the right eyewear for your face, keep in mind that eyeglasses can be an accessory and don’t need to necessarily “go with” an outfit or blend in completely with your natural beauty. Eyeglasses are essentially giving you the ability to see clearly and enjoy your life, so embrace your natural features and go bold with eyewear that you feel comfortable and stylish in.
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