Eye care, from a young age on, is important for the future of your eyes. The healthier lifestyle you lead, the less chance there is of developing eye illnesses. An illness that is more common as people get older is cataracts. However, seniors are not the only ones who develop cataracts. Learn more about cataracts and eye care by reading through this blog and contact your local optometrist at the eye clinic Vision Care Centre. Our opticians are passionate about the health of your eyes and want you to have a resource you can rely on when you need more information on eye care. Contact our eye clinic today for an eye exam.
Cataracts Aren’t On Your Eyes
Many may think that a cataract actually forms on the eye, that it is a coating on the surface of the lens that hinders eyesight. However, a cataract forms on the inside of the eye when proteins break down and can cause the distortion of your vision. With healthy eyes, these proteins are clear; but as a cataract forms, the proteins break down leaving behind a haze in your vision. When the cataract is forming, you can’t feel it and it may take years to develop enough to hinder your eyesight. This is why it’s important for people over a certain age to have regular eye tests at an eye clinic.
Learn Why It’s Important to Have an Eye Exam!
Cataracts Don’t Just Occur In Older People
There are several risk factors that can cause people as young as 40 to develop cataracts. If you have sustained an injury, have had an eye surgery such as glaucoma, there is a higher risk of developing cataracts. Also, radiation and sun exposure can cause cataracts to form. Sunlight can cause the proteins in your eyes to break down so when you are in direct sunlight, which is why it is important to always have sunglasses on. Cataracts are also congenital so babies are sometimes born with them.
It Isn’t Always Both Eyes
Even though it is more common for cataracts to form in both eyes, it is possible for just one eye to be effected. This typically occurs when there has been some sort of injury or damage sustained to one eye in particular. Any injury or damage can increase the risk of developing cataracts.
Cataracts Can Be Difficult to Recognize
Because cataracts can take years to form, eyesight may wane slowly. When vision decreases so gradually, it is often hard to realize because you grow accustomed to your vision as time goes on. Many people will experience sensitivity to light or glare and have poor vision at night, rather than hazy vision. When there are any changes in your eyesight, it may be time to visit an eye clinic.
Cataracts with 20-20 Vision
Cataracts actually affect people’s vision differently. It is possible for a patient to have 20-20 vision with cataracts. Others just have difficulty with seeing at night because the cataracts causes light to scatter. Depending on the cataract and the situation, conditions can be different for each person.
It Doesn’t Always Require Surgery
Visiting an eye clinic and discussing your eyes with an optometrist will help you know when a cataract needs attention. There are many times when a patient has a cataract, but it is not affecting their quality of life. When the quality of life isn’t affected, a cataract can wait until the next visit with your optometrist.
Surgery is Safe
The thought of anything serious happening with your eyesight is incredibly alarming. However, eye surgery to remove a cataract is surprisingly common and safe. Your eye doctor will provide a local anesthetic, make a small incision, and won’t require stitches. During the surgery, the lens is removed and the doctor will scrape away the cataract and a new lens implant will be inserted. It may sound intensive, but actually only takes around 30 minutes. There is some recovery time, but typically vision will be clearer the next and back to normal within a month.
Reduce the Risk
Even though there is nothing you can do about aging, there are things you can do that will help reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
- Always wear UV-blocking sunglasses when in direct sunlight.
- Include a high amount of antioxidant foods in your diet, including dark leafy greens, salmon, eggs, berries, and almonds.
- Stay away from smoking and limit your alcohol intake.
- Create a healthy diet and exercise routine to avoid developing diabetes.
The important thing to know is that when any changes occur in your vision or if you are experiencing sensitivity to light, you should consult with an optometrist. Your vision is important to the opticians at Vision Care Centre and we want to do out best in providing you with trustworthy and quality eye care. For a thorough eye exam, whether to diagnose cataracts or just to ensure your eyes are healthy, contact the eye clinic Vision Care Centre.
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