It is recommended that people with diabetes must visit an eye doctor regularly. High blood sugar levels can lead to conditions such as blurry vision, cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness.
Blurry Vision
Blurry vision can’t always be treated with new glasses and contact lenses. Chances are that the problem is being caused by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can result in lens swelling up and changing our ability to see. Blood sugar needs to be brought back into the target range, which can take up to three months.
The lens in our eyes allows us to focus on an image. Cataracts cloud our lens with debris. While anybody can suffer from cataracts, it worsens faster among people with diabetes. Cloudy lenses will make you experience difficulty in focusing, and symptoms include glare and blurred vision. Surgery is required to cure cataracts, which entails replacing the lens with artificial ones.
The condition of glaucoma takes place when pressure increases inside the eyes as a result of built up fluid that is not draining out as it should. The disease can lead to damaged blood vessels and nerves. Open-angle glaucoma is the common form of the condition and can be treated with medications, which lower eye pressure, fasten up the drainage and decrease the amount of liquid the eyes make.
Open-Angle Glaucoma
Apparent symptoms may not show up during open-angle glaucoma until it’s too late and significant vision loss has occurred, which is why it’s essential to visit an eye doctor regularly. Symptoms of more severe forms of glaucoma include eyes aches, blurred vision, watery eyes, vision loss, headaches and halos around lights. Treatments for these forms can range from medicine, and eye drops to surgery and laser treatments.
Neovascular Glaucoma
A diabetic person is more prone to getting diagnosed with a rare condition called neovascular glaucoma, which is prompted by new blood vessels growing on the colored part of your eye, Iris. Normal flow of fluid is interrupted and the eye pressure increases. Treatment for neovascular glaucoma comprises an extensive procedure, and the eye doctor may employ laser surgery to reduce vessels or utilize implants to drain the fluid.
Diabetic Retinopathy
The retina is situated in the back of your eye and formed by a group of cells. The cells take in light and convert it into images that the optic nerve then delivers into your brain. Diabetic retinopathy is a result of damage to small blood vessels in the retina and affected by high blood sugar levels. Failure of early detection and treatment of the condition can lead to blindness. If blood sugar levels are maintained at a healthier level, chances of getting diabetic retinopathy are reduced.
There are three types of diabetic retinopathy, namely, background retinopathy, maculopathy and proliferative retinopathy. Each classified by different severity and damaged area of the retina.
Diabetic retinopathy has rarely been found in people with type 1 diabetes unless they’ve had diabetes for at least five years. If blood sugar is taken care of with an insulin pump and insulin injections, the chances of being diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy significantly reduces. In type 2 diabetes, there may be signs of eye problems. The disease can be prevented by maintaining blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure at a healthy level.
Book an Appointment with BC Vision Care
Eye conditions can be dangerous and everlasting among people with diabetes. The eye doctors at BC Vision Care Langley eyecare centre are dedicated to providing people with the highest standard of care utilizing advanced technology present in vision care.
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